Our 100% Portrait Satisfaction Guarantee

At Peter M. Budraitis Photography we guarantee your portrait 100%

Discover an Unmatched Guarantee Like You've Never Seen Before:

"Your complete satisfaction with our portrait work is our promise to you, or it costs you nothing!"

This is my commitment and guarantee to you. To my knowledge, no other photographer offers such a comprehensive guarantee.

Portrait Session - GUARANTEED! Only a portrait that truly reflects your emotions and personality holds value to you. We promise your full satisfaction with the images we produce.

Custom Prints - GUARANTEED! Every portrait is meticulously retouched and custom printed, ensuring your total satisfaction with every finished piece.

Wall Portrait Size - GUARANTEED! We promise that the size of your Wall Portrait will completely meet your expectations once it's in your home. If the size isn't perfect for your display space, whether it seems too large or too small, bring it back, and we'll adjust it for you on the spot, custom framing included!

To Clarify, Here's My Exceptional DOUBLE GUARANTEE: If you're not EXCITED about your photographs - if you have any dissatisfaction whatsoever, I will do two things for you:

1st - I will rephotograph you at NO COST, ensuring any issues are corrected, without any additional charges.

2nd - If I'm still unable to meet your expectations - if I can't deliver a photograph you'll treasure forever, I will refund EVERY PENNY of your investment. You only pay for your photographs if they move you beyond words!


We eliminate any risk from your investment in quality portraiture!

Therefore, if FOR ANY REASON you find that the portraits I produce do not meet your expectations - if you're not utterly satisfied with the result - if you don't genuinely believe you look your best, you owe me nothing.

If I'm not your chosen photographer, ENSURE that your photographer provides a guarantee this strong. If they're truly skilled, they should be willing to remove all the risk from you by standing firmly behind their work.


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Celebrating 30+ Years!

Photographic Craftsman an Portrait Artist Peter M Budraits Creating Artistinc Portraits with a purposue for over 30 years

2024 Communions:

We're booking and photographing 2024 Communion Sessions RIGHT NOW! Call now for the best appointment times!!!

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Our Guarantee!

PortraitGuaranteeSealBefore choosing any studio for your portrait, see if they offer this special guarentee